Join us Sundays at 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM
Reverend Dr. Timothy Bias, Lead Pastor
Rev. David Donathan, Minister of Music/Organist
Ashley Wood, Certified Lay Minister, Minister of Children and Youth Services
Who We Are
Christ Church is a welcoming community of faith, hope and love
serving our neighbors and the world as the hands of Christ.
We live into this vision by Connecting with God,
Connecting with Each Other & Connecting with the World.
Featured Events
Youth Group T-Shirt Fundraiser
The CCUM Youth Group will be conducting a fundraiser. We will be taking orders throughout Lent for CCUM t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, and polos. All items will have the new CCUM logo on the left pocket. Proceeds will go toward the Youth Mission Trip. You can turn in a physical order form to Krissa in the church office or you can submit an electronic order form by clicking the link below. All orders are due April 1st.
Show our Preschool Some Love!
Your generous donation of the following items will help keep costs down for The Growing Place! Donations can be dropped off at the church. We need: paper towels, paper napkins, cans of fruit or fruit cups, pretzels, animal crackers, goldfish crackers, Cheez-its, Triscuits, Kleenex, baby wipes, watercolor paints, glue sticks, washable markers, dry erase markers. Thank you!
Weberwood Backpack Ministry Needs
With school back in session for the second semester, the need for donations to the Weberwood backpack ministry continues. This ministry is funded through the financial and food item donations of the congregation. For the month of February, we will be collecting fruit cups, applesauce cups, veggie cups, and mac and cheese cups. For financial donations, please mark “Weberwood Backpack Ministry” on your donation at Text-To-Give at 855-953-1471 or on your check so the donation is credited properly. Any questions, please contact Lenore Tweel at lrtweel@gmail.com.
Joan Rodberg Memorial Blood Drive
The Joan Rodberg Memorial Blood Drive was held on Monday, February 10th at Christ Church in the Fellowship Hall. The drive was a specific request from Joan as a way to help repay the blood bank for all the blood she received during her illness. Thank you to all who made this blood drive a huge success! Christ Church truly fulfilled its mission and Joan’s wishes through this event. Please come back next year!
Give blood. Help save lives.