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In Loving Remembrance Service and Support

During our Sunday morning services on October 20, 2024, we will be remembering those babies who have left us too soon, either during pregnancy, at birth, or shortly after birth. We recognize that the loss of a baby is significant and we wish to honor each of them. A white rose will be placed on the altar for each child being remembered, and each child’s name will be shared during the service. Families are invited to join our service as we honor their babies. To have your baby included, please contact Christ Church at 304-342-0192.

The In Loving Remembrance Initiative is starting a support group for moms, dads, and families who have lost a baby through miscarriage
or stillbirth. The first meeting will be on October 24, 2024, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Potter Room. Please call the church office for more